Wednesday 18 September 2013

why google banned adsense account in pakistan and india...

Karachi: we meet here with many webmaster,and they say to us that google banned there many account in pakistan,this process start google from 2007 after 2007 google banned 20% account in pakistan and india,many people ask us this question that why  google do with us,and other countries webmasters are receiving payment from google,but pakistani and indian webmasters  have now a big problem from adsesne,i think this is the big porblem of our ocuntry,and this time adsense banned limit is 90% in indian and pakistan,now 90% webmaster banned there account every day,and only 10% webmasters receiving $ from adsense i think these are real webmaster,because in pakistan and india here are 50% fake webmaster wich have not idea about google adsense and not talent about online earning,if u want to earn from adsense then work hard,and dont post only pictures,write  big and good articles on your website,and your domain must be 6 months old,if you have new website then google will not give new account,google adsense only approve old blogs or website account,some time they give accounts on new sites,but in few days account will be disable and $ will loss...

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