Sunday 21 December 2014

Who is the best Blogger or Word press,read full article and than you will know more about it...

On Google here are thousands webmasters who are working with the google and expert webmasters know the real thing about blogger and word press ,but common webmasters or common people who have own websites,who have not information about it,well blogger and blogspot are the same and Google is also same,and you can use the one account ,Google,Google +,Blogger,G mail,and G talk also,well word press the best platform of blogging and word press have personal seo,if you share a post on word press site,than many visitor will see your post,and if you share same thing on the blogger or Blogspot than you will see your post after few days,well if you are thinking that you will create or creating a website than its my advise that create your website in the word press and dont create website without web hosting,because web hosting is a base of website and word press is the king of all things,well here i want to tell you that blogspot was bought by google in 2003,well here i want to tell you other thing that blogger is a only page CMS,and word press have highly seo system,and word press have more options better than blogger,so think again and again when you create a new site,now if you have any question than you can ask from us and we will guide you as possible...

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