Wednesday 31 December 2014

Who is the best window for the PC,do you think about it?

Many people use the different windows in the PC and they think that window xp 2006 is the best ,and other people thinks that windows xp 2003 is the best and other some people thinks that windows 7 is the best and todays people are saying that windows 8 is the best,well its a big question for the all people and i think any one have not good answer of this question,well today i will tell you more about the Good windows,and than you will know about the real thing,well now its suspense because many people are disscusing about it,well i will tell you reall thing today,now listen,if you want to install quick window than install windows 7 which is the fastest from the all windows and if you want simple window in your pc than install windows 2006 which is so simple from the all windows and if you want latest windows like tablets and like touch i phones than install windows 8 which is the modern like this world,well in windows ranking most people like windows xp 2006 and on other here is windows 7 which is easy to install and a good pc can install it in 15 minutes only,well in this way 2006 windows will get time 30 to 40 mintues,well in windows 8 and windows 7 have personal all drivers and if you are installing 7 or 8 window than you will not sound,video and lan drives,well its a good for all users and if you are installing window 2006 than you will install sound,videos and other all drivers,well i think 7 and 8 are the best windows and 7 is a also simple ,and i also like windows 7,well everyone have different thinks and different mind,so if you like any window than tell also us and we will happy when you give feed back..

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