Wednesday 10 December 2014

Now get 8 Mb speed on 4 Mb pakage,with same cost,This speed is valid on 31 january 2015..

Todays PTCL brand band giving 8 Mb speed on 4 MB pakage,now you can enjoy the eight 8Mb speed,if your net is slow than contact on 1234 for further details,well this offer is vaild only in january 2015 and after that you will enjoy 4 MB speed,i think wich is also faster speed ,but you will feel boring when you use the 8 MB speed,well this decession is good for all users who love the PTCL and their services well PTCL now also giving 3g evo,which is also best and good system in pakistan,well DSL is the best from all services,and evo is also good but its not good v/a dsl,because we use the dsl wire or we can say cable,but evo is work through signals and many time when we use the internet ,ours signals will fail and we feel boring,well if you have any idea about new networks than also share with us ,if we will get new things or new information we will share with you here on our blog and you will feel good,and happy when you listen our real ideas and other things,well its true that ptcl is good and best all  over the pakistan and many people use and love with the ptcl,well we pray for the ptcl that it will sucess in the future and it will create the new things in the future....

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