Monday 2 February 2015

Facebook update his new policy 2015,what you think about it?

its true that facebook is changed his policy and now webmasters cant share bad links on the facebook some months ago many webmasters were sharing bad link on the facebook and got targeted trafic from the facebook,well its true that many webmasters depend on the facebook,and 70% webmasters have no real information about the seo and other things,they only create blog and then start earning,well this time Google also ban many Adsense accounts in the pakistan and other countries also,well its true,that in pakistan and india many webmasters got earning from the fake ways so google ban their accounts,well i think Google know the everything,and Google have all information about the traffic and clicks,well if you are also getting traffic from the Google than be care full and dont get more traffic from the facebook.and use other sites for the traffic,well its true that Google like traffic from the search engine.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

What are "Motherboard functions"?

The motherboard of any computer that follows the IBM design scheme performs several major the most basic level it is the physical foundation of the holds the expansion boards in place,provides firm territory to attach connections to external circuit elements,and provides the base of support for the cerntral electronics of the computer. Electrically,the circuitry etched upon it includes the brain of the computer and the most important elements required to nourish that brain.This circuitry determines the entire personality of the computer how it functions,how it reacts to your every keystroke,what it does.

Monday 26 January 2015

Information about the IBM system board installation...

Installing an IBM system board is just the reserve of the above,slide the board into the case from the left at a sligth angle .when the left edge of the board clears the edge of the case,lower it until it sits flat in the case,finally slide it over to the right flat in the bottom of the computer until it might have to push it back a put to the left to make the screw holes line up so you can fasten the board into place before you can reinsert the system board ,you must have the nylon fasteners locked into their proper holes,which are indistingguishable from those to be used by the screws,figure shows the  size and proper screw and fastener placement of the IBM PC system board the XT system board and AT system board.
Planar board installation is nothing more than properly aligning the board with the stanchions molded in the case,dropping it in place and securing the screws.

Monday 19 January 2015

What is the "System Board common features" you want to know about it?

Because there are so many makers of compatible computers,different system board designs number into the hundreds, therefore, they would be difficult to discuss with any depth.however,understanding compatibles becomes more manageable once you understand
that one of the biggest segments of the industry are the companies that serve as OEMSs.there are fewer system boards designs in use than you might suspect.more ever all of them a great tribute to the IBM products from which they are mostly copied.